Parents often ask us what they're supposed to teach. Particularly when just starting out, choosing courses and K-12 material can be a bit overwhelming.

We at Florida Homeschool Association believe in academic freedom and have confidence in a parent's ability to decide what's best. However, we've been there, too. We know course selection isn't always easy.
While home education provides advantages over public school, looking at examples from the world of traditional schooling can sometimes be helpful. For some, reviewing a typical course of study can guide research, inspire ideas and inform buying choices. For others, it provides validation they're teaching what same-age peers are studying in school.
Below, you'll find links to view several different course sequences by grade level. While we stay clear of recommending or endorsing a specific curriculum plan, we provide them for ideas and for reference. Use these guides at your own risk, knowing that home education is not public education and is best when customized to meet every student need:
Florida Virtual School's Curriculum Guide: This may be used to help homeschoolers plan courses when using FLVS Flex. This may also be used to gain an understanding of which courses publicly educated students might take at every stage.
World Book Encyclopedia Typical Course of Study: Perhaps one of the oldest and most used, this guide provides a general guide to the topics and materials typically offered in elementary, middle, and high school grades across the country.
Core Knowledge Curriculum: This is based on the Core Knowledge Sequence, which is a comprehensive and research-based initiative aimed at discovering the core knowledge that should be taught to children across the country.
For questions about curriculum requirements for Florida home educators, experts at the Florida Homeschool Association are standing by. Standard Members may CONTACT US, simply by providing their Member ID number and describing the issue. Non-members may also request help via our communities and boards. Visit to learn more.